music therapy programmes

Common Types of Music Therapy Programmes For Seniors

August 22, 2024


Categories : Senior Living


Music has therapeutic properties – it can have a profound impact on the overall mental health and well-being of seniors. From reducing anxiety and depression to improving cognitive function, music therapy has become a popular way to enhance the quality of life for seniors. There are a variety of ways to incorporate music therapy into their daily routine, that includes listening to music, singing, playing an instrument, or attending musical events. As one of the leading senior living apartments In India, we share some of the common music therapy programmes for seniors:

1. Sing-along sessions: This activity involves a group of seniors coming together to sing songs that are familiar to them. These songs can be from their childhood or younger days. These sessions help seniors relive their memories. Since it is a group activity, seniors also get time to interact socially with other like-minded individuals.

2. Musical instrument playing: Simple instruments such as drums and keyboards can be easy to learn and play. Playing such instruments regularly can give them a sense of peace, allowing seniors to forget about their worries. Also, learning an instrument later in life can provide a sense of achievement. Furthermore, playing musical instruments can improve a senior’s hand-eye coordination.

3. Music and movement: Sometimes, music needs to be accompanied by some form of movement to be beneficial as a therapy. This movement can be in the form of slow, rhythmic dance. Additionally, soft music can be played while seniors practice meditation or yoga.

4. Music-listening sessions: Seniors can spend some time each day listening to music they like and are familiar with. Such music can create a sense of serenity and calm. Participating in group listening sessions, whether in a communal living setting or during scheduled social gatherings, can help seniors feel connected to others with similar musical interests.

5. Songwriting and composition: Seniors who are passionate about music can also try their hand at songwriting and music composition. Both of these are creative outlets that can help seniors express their emotions in a healthy manner. Writing a song or composing music also lets them feel a sense of achievement and pride.

Many senior living communities in India are now actively promoting music therapy sessions as an integral part of their wellness programmes. The music therapy sessions in these communities are tailored to cater to the cultural preferences of the residents and they often incorporate traditional Indian music and instruments.

Looking for senior living apartments that promote positive ageing? 

Explore Serene Idigarai by Columbia Pacific. The senior living community embraces positivity. Every day, there are activities for seniors that engage, entertain, and educate. The retirement home has trained, in-house 24X7 staff that listens attentively, responds promptly, and works tirelessly to ensure everyone feels at home. To know more, call at +91 8884555554. 


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