Senior-Friendly Homes for Sustainability, Personalization & Cognitive Well-being

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As we grow old, we tend to get lot of troubles in terms or health and well-being.  The senior citizen age group falling between 70 and 80 is very delicate and sensitive to take care of!  In major cosmopolitan cities it is a trend among young generation to leave their parents behind in the home town while fulfilling aspirations and aiming goals & greatness. Especially, it is very important for them who go the foreign lands to utilize their skill and earn an affluent life. A well-defined place becomes basic requirement to give them a high class, hygienic & healthy lifestyle with top notch facilities.


Senior citizens and older adults are very delicate to deal with, and they deserve a constant support in terms of emotional, mental, and physical to live a healthy disease free life. With aging cognitive abilities tend to decline rapidly and they tend to lose their natural ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. So, cognitive well-being is of paramount importance in the lifestyle of seniors. For this reason, healthcare professionals have suggested that keeping seniors socially, mentally and physically active and adopting correct dietary changes may help slow cognitive decline in elderly individuals. According to the data report, within 30 years, India’s senior population is supposed to triple to 300 million, which would make up 18% of its total population in 2050.


Hence, the senior living developers integrate the design with specific spaces conducive to cognitive well-being in senior living communities. In today’s era people believe in luxurious living which will boost physical and psychological well-being. The spaces that shall be specifically planned to meet this requirement in senior living communities.

Several new design trends are emerging in senior livings. Let’s take a look of the top notch features:

  1. Social/leisure Activities – Creating indoor and outdoor spaces that facilitate leisure activities for small and large groups, such as brain training games, needs to be an integral part of design. Providing indoor games rooms and multipurpose outdoor spaces that can be utilized for such activities may help facilitate this requirement. Spaces for recreation such as TV lounges, theatres, and an outdoor amphitheater may be helpful based on the social and cultural preferences of the geographical location. These activities not only provide companionship but also promote a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  2. Facilitate Physical Activity – Spaces that facilitate physical activities can be provided at different levels. A gymnasium with senior-friendly equipment may be necessary to accommodate individual needs, including spaces for yoga, jogging, and walking. Spaces also need to be planned for group exercises and chair exercises. Providing an indoor multipurpose hall as well as an outdoor multipurpose space will help organize and conduct such events in a senior living community in a defined manner.
  3. Social Involvement & Interactions – Indoor and outdoor spaces need to be planned to encourage social interactions and participation between the community residents. The positioning of these spaces in the floor plan should be planned and integrated with the overall design to ensure visibility and ease of accessibility to these spaces. Spaces such as indoor and outdoor lounges, dining spaces, and group activity spaces must be considered as a part of the design.
  4. Nutrition & Dietary Needs – A dedicated kitchen and restaurant facility within the community would help to facilitate nutrition and dietary needs of seniors. Facilities for in-room dining and central & decentralized dining facilities could also be considered as part of the design based on community-specific needs. Gone are those bland days where senior living homes offered blunt, boring food every day, now reputed senior living homes are providing restaurant-style dining experiences with diverse menus.
  5. Safety & Seurity Measures – Advanced security systems, emergency response protocols, and 24/7 staff availability are becoming standard features. This is the basic facility of a senior living home to take a good care of the safety and security of the old residents so that their loved ones have peace of mind.
  6. Pet-Friendly Community – Pets are the dearest when people don’t have their loved ones near them. These innocent loving creatures bring immense pleasure and joy to its master and become their support system. So, to be pet-friendly and making necessary arrangements for the pets might be helpful for cognitive well-being based on the socio-cultural aspects of the location of the community.

Basic Structure to Have

  1. While designing the spaces to support cognitive well-being in a senior living community, it is essential to ensure they are accessible to persons with mobility limitations. Also, the materials and finishes used in such areas should be carefully selected to reduce the risk of falls. Lighting in these areas should be appropriate for the function for which the spaces are being designed.
  2. In areas designed for facilitating physical activities, it is recommended to consider a resilient material for the flooring to reduce the risk of injuries during an accidental fall. Provisions for gardening activities could also be explored in geographies with suitable climatic conditions.
  3. Last but not least is the integration of technology in the homes such as home automation systems, safety & security systems and providing a completely Wi-Fi enabled community plays a very significant role in helping the seniors remain well connected and active as well as enhancing the level of comfort and safety within the home as well as the community.


In India, the senior living landscape is evolving by leaps and bounds, and this industry is witnessing a shift towards integrated healthcare services within communities, ensuring convenient access to medical facilities. Culturally sensitive design is also on the rise, incorporating local traditions into the living spaces. These trends reflect a commitment to holistic well-being and a sense of familiarity for residents. Construction companies are prioritizing convenience in senior living homes by adopting accessible design elements. Ramps, elevators, and minimal stairs enhance mobility, while strategically placing amenities close to residential units minimizes travel within the community. This compact and user-friendly approach caters to the specific needs of seniors, promoting ease of navigation.


To address the age and health factors of seniors, developers are incorporating entertainment features tailored to their preferences. Multipurpose recreational spaces offer age-appropriate gaming consoles, movie screening rooms with comfortable seating, and hobby areas for activities like painting. Fitness programs are also adapted to accommodate varying mobility levels, ensuring that entertainment contributes to residents’ overall well-being.


With the increasing tech-savviness of seniors, modern tech amenities are becoming integral to senior living spaces. Smart home features, including automated lighting and temperature control, are standard, enhancing convenience. Robust security systems with CCTV surveillance and emergency response features provide residents and their families with peace of mind. These technologies align with the preferences of the tech-savvy senior demographic, ensuring connectivity and security within the community.


Finally, from embracing technology to promoting wellness, sustainability, and personalized care, these trends are reshaping senior living communities to meet the desires and needs of today’s senior citizens. With time, the obsolete concept of shabby residential for senior citizens has vanished and replaced by modern equipped and enriched environment where people will be aging gracefully.